Webster’s Pregnancy Technique

At Chiro.London we believe there is no better time to be under the care of a chiropractor than as soon as you fall pregnant. The techniques we use are gentle and promote comfort during pregnancy, help manage any low back pain or pelvic/pubic symphysis pain (SPD) and help keep you and your tummy relaxed so optimal baby positioning is promoted.

Providing optimal comfort for you and your baby

Chiropractic care in pregnancy is a safe and gentle way to promote comfort and minimise back pain during your pregnancy and to support the natural birthing process. We consider chiropractic care a natural part of your prenatal routine – there is no time in a woman’s life that a chiropractic check-up is more important.

Personal recommendations

Many midwives refer their clients and their new babies to us for chiropractic care. Natalie van Rooyen is an independent midwife and has no doubt that chiropractic treatment has helped many of her clients with comfort during pregnancy and improved birth outcomes.

“As a Midwife I recommend chiropractic treatment to all of my client’s. In my experience, antenatal adjustments promote general well being, manage common pregnancy ailments and improve birth outcomes. Postnatal treatment aids a smooth recovery for mothers and treatment for babies can improve feeding and facilitate a calmer child. The benefits of chiropractic are numerous. I not only advocate chiropractic treatment for childbearing but as a continuous lifestyle choice for the entire family.”

Webster’s Chiropractic Pregnancy Technique

Doctors of Chiropractic work on your spine and pelvis during pregnancy to promote balanced movement and alignment. With the pelvis in a balanced state, the ligaments connected to the uterus maintain an equalised, supportive suspension for the uterus. If the pelvis is out of balance, these ligaments can become torqued and twisted, causing a condition known as uterine constraint.

Ensuring that your pelvis and neurology is balanced will help your body to adapt to pregnancy more gracefully and easily and by relieving the tension, baby and mother are more comfortable. The pregnancy specific chiropractic technique is referred to as Webster’s technique; all the chiropractors at Chiro.London are trained in this technique.

We see lots of mums-to-be so are well prepared to help you throughout your pregnancy. We are all trained in Webster’s pregnancy technique and have close relations with many midwives throughout London.

Pregnancy is a special, unique, and private time in a woman’s life. The emotions associated range through the full spectrum from excitement and relief to anxiety and even fear. Every mother needs a support network on this journey, and we are proud that so many mums-to-be choose us to be on their team.

Every birth story is different too.

We are just one part of a team in every pregnancy that includes partners, midwives, doctors, doulas, family… we respect the choices of all our clients, and provide further information and community support as and when it is requested.

We recognize that every body has different and specific needs, and every pregnancy is different. As a baby grows, so the mother’s body must also change, adapting and accommodating the precious cargo. The body is simply amazing, and birth is phenomenal.

Chiropractic can play an important role as mother and child develop together, releasing restrictions and allowing the body to perform at it’s best

Restore pelvic balance and relieve intrauterine constraint

Chiropractic care in pregnancy creates balance, ensuring that the mother’s spine and nervous system can work at their optimal capacity – critical with the changes taking place in her body and providing the best possible environment for the developing baby.

When the spine and pelvis are not balanced, the pelvic muscles and ligaments supporting the uterus can be constrained (intrauterine constraint), reducing the room available in the womb and causing discomfort to both mother and child. Relief of these constraints will also offer the best possible chance for baby to be in the right position when labour commences.

Find out more about Webster’s Pregnancy Technique here.


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