Monday Motivation - March 13th

Hi all,Doc Craig here fresh on the back of our first Monday Motivation last week.I’m just back from a week in the sun riding bikes around Majorca so I’m super motivated so - here are my five things for you this week.1. Get out in the sun - and if you can’t because you live in the UK buy this Vitamin D spray to help you with the lack of Vit D in the winter and read this.2. Check out my amateur bike racing team’s FB page - Nuun Sigma Sports. You can find the page here.3. Have a listen to David Beckham’s Desert Island Discs - I’m not into football but it makes for an interesting listen. Here's the link.4. Fire up this podcast - Tammy Parlour has been a client at Putney Chiro for years now and she has started a great new podcast called A Question of Performance. Check out episode one which features an interview with Sue Day, ex-England rugby captain.5. Our London Marathon Offer - Are you running in the marathon this year or have friends and family who are? We're doing two visits for £50 which we'll then donate to charity. You can find all the details here.That's it from me for this week. We hope you're enjoying these and we'd love your feedback. Also if you have any questions on health, wellbeing or chiropractic then please send them through. We'll answer any questions here and on a new weekly Ask the Doc Facebook Live broadcast.Thanks,Dr Craig McLean


Dr Luke's guide to a better night's sleep


Monday Motivation - March 6th