Chiro.London's Festival Season Survival Guide

Christmas seems to be arriving earlier and earlier these days… Here’s a gentle reminder of our top tips to help you navigate the fun of the season while not undoing all your great work of building new healthy habits this year.

  1. Start the day with something green.

A green smoothie can cover your basic nutritional needs (or at least get you well on the way) and help dodge an unhealthy breakfast option. I love this recipe, it’s easy and quick.  Investing in a small blender is a convenient way to eat on the go and even prepare the night before.

  1. High intensity exercise during the day before heading out for a heavy meal and drinking will shift your metabolism up a gear and may help your body process the rich food and booze more effectively.

You don’t need to exercise for long (10 mins) but enough to empty your muscles of glycogen and get your body in a state to refuel them.  This could include sprints, exercise bike, air-squats etc.

  1. Get organised!  

Feeling overwhelmed is very common as everyone gets “busy” so staying on top of things is even more important this time of year.  Investing 30mins to sit down and plan your week/month can make a huge difference in how we enjoy our time celebrating with friends and family.

    1. Make sure you have your exercise sessions scheduled through to January.
    2. Pre-order your food deliveries
    3. Christmas shopping done online with a service like Amazon Prime makes it easier to avoid the chaos in the high street
    4. Book tickets for any travel you have
    5. Confirm your Chiropractic care schedule
    6. Plan which nights you’ll stay in and have an early night
  1. Stay hydrated.  

This is probably the cheapest, easiest and most often overlooked aspect of supporting your health.  Basically, drink water, often.

  1. Congratulate yourself on a (great) year.  

Reflect on the things you’re proud of and the things you’d like to improve.  We’re often quick to be hard on ourselves and don’t easily acknowledge our achievements.  I could probably summarise all this as “be kind to yourself and others”, which is sound advice  all year round anyway… Don’t hesitate to let me know if I can be of any help or if you have any questions about successfully navigating yourself and your family through this beautiful time of the year. In health,Luke.Ps. To help sleep add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey to your caffeine free (obviously) tea before bed.  


Monday Motivation - 4th December


How long should I sit for?