New Year, New You - Exercise

A new year, a new you and EXERCISE!  Last week we were most fortunate to have the company of Stuart & Lizzy, Harry, Lawrence and Lindsay who shared some of their favourite tips about exercise and fuel.  Here are some highlights, words of wisdom and consistent themes from the evening that we hope you’ll find useful. Enjoy :)Yoga vs Pilates… what’s best?I’m obviously greatly simplifying this, but the general consensus is:

  • Yoga great for flexibility
  • Pilates awesome for stability and strength
  • With a planned progression, the 2 work really well together

Does practice make perfect?One of the main reoccurring themes from the evening was the need to nail the basics and don’t rush progress.  Build a foundation of strength (& flexibility) that will serve you well into the future… because… “Practice makes PERMANENT”.  If you repeat an incorrect movement pattern again and again you’re setting yourself up for long term inefficiency and likely injury.  Enjoy the process.  Practice great technique and build a beautiful movement pattern!What are your “rules”?Do you have a routine that you can rely on to build a fit, healthier you for years to come?  Stretch regularly. Exercise regularly (ie. Do SOMETHING daily!)Here’s Harry’s favourite rounded shoulders band exerciseSet up a short list of things you’d like to do regularly (daily?!) and then DO THEM!Adjust your goal accordingly as you progress and become more awesome :)Ask for help.These days we’re spoilt for choice for friendly, thoughtful exercise experts who are only too willing to lend a hand (last Wednesday night - perfect example!)  So, if you’re unsure about something call out out for help.  In the meantime, er on the side of caution while you’re figuring it out and do something you already know how to do well.Engage your whole body during exercise.  Stabilize your contact with the floor and exercise equipment so you’re maximising each rep.  Use mirrors to ensure your form is correct the whole time!Quality is better than quantity!Should I stretch everyday?As you develop your awareness in your body you’ll become more attuned to what you need.  Of course, some people due to their health history may benefit greatly by stretching daily but others may find a they don’t need as much. Start with some simple stretches

  • Explore how it feels
  • Where you feel it
  • Does it change?
  • Adapt accordingly
  • Ask for help!

Keep it fun. If it’s fun you’re more likely to keep it up for years to come.There’s no rush.  With the huge increase of instant gratification in our culture the High Intensity Training (HIT) has perhaps distracted some of us from the importance of building a stable foundation of strength and flexibility.  You have the rest of your life and, in fact, you’re training for your future self, so take the time to invest in getting the basics right.  (This is why elite athletes spend so much time doing and redoing the basics… this is what helps them BE elite athletes!)You need great fuel to exercise and for life.  Lindsay has made it super simple to get great tasting healthy food even when you’re dashing about London.  She did her time with Gordon Ramsay who also knows a thing or two about staying active!Lastly, to help keep you inspired to make exercise a priority think about why being an active person is important to you.  How will your life be better?  Get specific.  Get clear.People who know why they’re training tend to keep it up!All our guests are happy to help, feel free to contact them. Peace out XPs. This is still my favourite purchase from last year :)By Luke Brady


Monday Motivation - January 22nd


Monday Motivation - January 15th