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Monday Motivation - September 17th

Hi everyone… nice to have (nearly) everyone back into the swing of things after a looooong summer!

Although being back to work and school can at times feel a little daunting just remember that it’ll be half term and Christmas before you know it and we get to do it all again next year!! (!?)

But seriously… yep, the days are starting to get a bit shorter, a little cooler and the pressure to “get things done” is probably on the rise. For these reasons, I think NOW is a great time to get (back) into some habits that will help set you up for a great finish to 2018!

Maybe you could start with…

- Go for “that run” you’ve been meaning to.

- Eat out a little less and put that money towards something else special.

- Drink a less during the week.

- Go to bed a bit earlier.

- Plan and book a weekend away with friends who you’ve not seen in while.

Actually, make a list of things you’d LOVE to do before the end of the year and make a plan to do them. Tell someone about them to hold you accountable.

And on that note, here are some things I’ve found useful &/or interesting recently, enjoy!

1. Why Your Brain Tricks You Into Doing Less Important Tasks

This is a pretty cool article from the NY Times about, well, it’s basically in the title.  It describes the “urgency effect” and how we can use a simple process to help clarify what actually is important and how to nail it instead of watching cat videos on YouTube...

2. Longevity

Longevity is such a buzz word these days. Dr Valto Longo (appropriate name don’t you think?) is pretty much the authority on the subject and has great book out, The Longevity Diet, and a super useful and interesting website that’s well worth a look. I heard him here on my favourite podcast, Rich Roll.

(This article - again in the NY Times - was also quite interesting, about the effect of when we eat on health)

3. This quote is really resonating with me right now.

I’ve copied it into my journal and read it every morning as I’m planning my day - it helps me get clear on what’s genuinely important to me.

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”

— Henry David Thoreau

4. And…

This is easily the funniest thing I’ve seen in a very long time (3min 44sec). Like, A VERY LONG TIME!

Big love,

Luke X