Chiropractor London | Back Pain Treatment | Chiro.London

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What are the most common causes for back pain?

From my experience, lower back pain is the most common ailment to present through my door and therefore, as someone presenting with lower back, you can be confident and comfortable with the knowledge that we have the experienced and dealt with many cases with the vast majority getting better. 

My number one tip for people who have lower back, or may have started to feel niggles or something not quite right in the low back, is to come in as soon as possible to get things checked out.  The longer you leave an injury, the longer it takes to get better, and so allowing a chiropractor to check and correct your spine as early as possible is the best thing you can do!

My other go-to tip is light stretching and moving of the area, whether that is some light yoga, swimming or gentle walking. We have a wealth of stretches and exercises that we will happily show you!

The other tip I would give is to prioritise sleep during an episode of lower back pain as this is the time the body uses to repair and recover.

Craig recently put together an e-book on what you can be doing to look after your lower back - check it out here and if you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to ask next time you’re in.

- By Liam Kelly