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Covid-19 Clinic Updates

July 15th Update: With BoJo opening the floodgates next week, our regulatory board has advised that we continue to require the wearing of masks, temperature checks and handwashing in order to be seen in clinic.

Suspect some people may be unhappy with this but feel like we have a good crowd coming to see us. I am hoping everyone will be pretty chill about it for the time being to ensure everyone feels comfortable attending clinic and that it doesn’t get super awkward for the front of house team (whose willingness to help out during the crazy has been absolutely first rate – well done team!)

January 7th Update: Regarding BoJo's latest announcement, we would like to reassure everyone that, as an essential service, our clinics remain open as we have done bar three days during this whole thing, and you are allowed to leave the house to come and see us. If you cannot leave or would like some help/advice over the phone, please feel free to call us and we will do what we can to help.

We are also limiting the amount of bodies in clinic at any time. We will sometimes have virtual help, such as a 'floating head' assistant or some team members answering phones from home – just a heads-up in case a 'stranger' answers the phone!

December 31st Update: Our clinics are still open with a bit of a skeleton crew. We’re back to more normality from Monday, January 4th.Given how things are currently unfolding, some of you may have already seen our ‘Floating Heads’ in clinic, where we are using some of our assistants virtually to help out. We are doing this as a workaround for anyone who needs to stay at home. This has proven to be rather helpful, so we wanted to give you all a heads-up (pardon the pun) that you may be in clinic with a virtual rather than physical assistant, so there are no surprises.

November 5th Update: We are pleased to let you know we will remain open to help you during this 4-week lockdown and are extremely grateful to be in a position to continue to serve you all during this time. It’s a time of increased stress and emotions, which affect our physical and mental health, so please do reach out if we can help. We would be glad to!

Our thoughts go out to all our friends at our favourite local fitness studios, cafés, independent shops and other neighbourhood businesses. We will support you as much as we can and would encourage anyone reading to support them by ordering their takeaway services or using their online programmes to keep them operating after we are through this.

We have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure you are safe when visiting our clinics. We’ve updated our risk assessments and have ensured every part of your experience in clinic is kept as safe as possible. We’ve implemented a new hygiene protocol, and this is now what a visit to our clinics should look like:

  • Please wear a face mask when in the building (you can remove it when lying face down on the table to ensure you can breathe!).

  • Practitioners and support staff will be wearing PPE.

  • Hand sanitiser is available – please use it upon entry.

  • We are taking your temperature upon entry to the building for everyone’s safety. If your reading is high, we will ask you to leave and reschedule (without a fee).

  • We’ll keep the clinics ventilated while winter allows.

  • Please use contactless payments where possible. (Our online store is also available, and we’ve even included a smaller pre-payment block – you’re welcome!)

  • We’ve also installed protective screens.

  • Our COVID-19 declarations have been updated, and we ask if you have COVID symptoms (high temperature, dry cough, loss of smell/taste) to please call us prior to attending so we can reschedule.

  • Our adjustments are generally less than 15 minutes long, hence are considered a safer form of close contact.

Please keep your heads up, please keep supporting each other and please do get in touch if we can help in any way. Our front desk team have really enjoyed chatting to you all on the phone!

November 2nd Update: After the government announcement on Saturday, we wanted to let you know that it currently appears we will be able to carry on looking after you all, as we have done throughout this modified version of 2020. If anything changes, we will keep you updated via our social media, our Thoughtful Thursday newsletter, or we’ll give you a good old-fashioned call.

October 29th Update: Few small tweaks in clinic rolling out at the moment after speaking to the powers that be…Protective screens will be going up at the front desks in each clinic.

Reception will be taking and logging your temperatures at each appointment. If your reading is high, we will ask you to leave and reschedule (without a fee).Please remember to wear a mask when you’re in clinic and there are hand sanitisers around the place to keep your hands sparkling clean.

So not much that affects you all (and a bit more stuff to do on our end), but just a little fine tuning to ensure we are compliant with guidelines so we can remain available to help you all.

Marylebone - I have made the call to cotton-wool Erana so she will be practicing exclusively from the Tooting clinic’s bubble. SORRY! Last day in Marylebone is Tuesday, November 3rd. We will review this again once things have hopefully settled a bit more in the new year. The usual suspects in Marylebone will be available to help.

October 22nd Update: A little bit of tightening from BoJo but not much new to report on our end. We have been in constant communication with our governing bodies and looks like how we are currently operating is all above board and should be so, moving forward. So yay! As always, any questions or concerns that pop up, whether prior to or during your visit, do let us know and give your clinic a call. Thank you to those who have contacted us, we are really appreciative of you helping us out to ensure we are above board.

October 15th Update: A few murmurs coming through about the current state of play. Would like to assure everybody we believe that we will continue to be deemed as an essential service, as we were earlier in the year. This would mean we can remain open to help you all and do our part to ease any potential burdens on the NHS as we did then. Potential of this happening is one of the reasons we have continued to limit clinic numbers to ensure it would be easy to carry on (sorry… it is also why some of our practitioners are booked out for weeks in advance!).

October 8th Update: It looks like BoJo hasn’t done anything wild again this week, so we are business as usual still with all the necessary precautions in place. We have left hand sanitisers by the doors and a few spare masks in case you have forgotten one. Will keep this rolling for another week and hope that people are respectful of our goodwill to help us help you by following government guidance (and not nicking stuff that we need to stay open).

October 1st Update: We are still in good shape to look after you all! Thank you to everyone for the positive response to last week’s request to contact the clinic by phone if you are isolating. Everyone is grateful for you being courteous to others by staying at home until you have your results back.

Another thank you for wearing masks in to clinic, too. You may have noticed we’ve set up Sani-stations at the door, with hand sanitiser and some spare masks for those who have forgotten them. Please be kind to us for extending the goodwill by not abusing it (yes, somebody nicked a heap of masks and a hand sanitiser, which we hoped would not happen as we were being nice, but, alas…). QR codes for T&T are available as you enter as well.

September 24th Update: The good news is that BoJo’s latest announcement has not affected our ability to care for you and we look forward to seeing you as planned. Please do keep an eye on our social media and your inbox on Mondays/Thursdays for updates if anything changes.

We would ask that if you have been told to self-isolate or quarantine for any reason that you follow this guidance and do not attend clinic. We have surprisingly had this pop up a few times lately and, without getting into the politics of it, it is pretty uncool not to follow the advice. So be please nice to everyone by chilling out at home, or give us a call for a chat if you are going crazy in isolation, and we will help as much as we can (without seeing you in person).

And another little reminder to please wear your mask into clinic (this does not have to be worn during your adjustment but please help our other clients and staff by wearing it when you enter, exit and are waiting), and to arrive promptly to your appointment (if you happen to be really early or late, just give reception a call and they can advise you on what to do). The less people we have in the building, the better for everyone. 🙂

September 10th Update: We are waiting for more info on BoJo’s latest updates from our regulatory boards. Our clinics are pretty well spaced out, and all of you are doing the right thing (wearing masks/washing hands), so we’re hoping it won’t affect your experience with us too much. Will keep you posted via our social media and here on Mondays and Thursdays. Any worries, please feel free to call us. 🙂

August 27th Update: Big thanks to everyone for helping us out by following all government advice regarding masks and handwashing in clinic to ensure everyone feels comfortable and we can continue to be available to help you all. We really appreciate it!

Bank holiday: all clinics are open for at least the morning at this stage. Give us a buzz if you would like to get in.

August 20th Update: Little reminder that we would ask you to please wear a mask while you are in the building (it can be removed during treatment).

We have had a very busy first week for Massage back at The Berkeley Clinic (Marylebone) in our newly renovated rooms. If you would like to be seen for a nice relaxing – or possibly not – rub, please get in touch in advance as there has been a lot of interest.

We can confirm each clinic will be open on Bank Holiday Monday, August 31st. Give your clinic a call to see who is available to help. Always a good shout to get the whole fam in, too!

August 6th Update: Little reminder that we would ask you to please wear a mask while you are in the building (it can be removed during treatment).

We are just finalising Massage at The Berkeley Clinic (Marylebone) and looks like we may have someone in from the week of August 10th but definitely will from the 17th. Email us for deets.

July 30th Update: Here are our latest clinic updates:

  • Our osteopaths at The Berkeley Clinic in Marylebone are back in action again. Please contact us if you would like to get in to see Fernando or Jonathan.

  • Massage at The Berkeley Clinic will recommence in the next week or two. Please email us if you would like to pop in to soothe those muscles and we can pass on more details as we have them.

  • Practice Manager Tom will be back remotely next week answering the Marylebone phones and you will see him in clinic again soon after spending 16 weeks shredding during furlough.

  • The Berkeley Clinic has had a major refresh downstairs, including the addition of an x-ray facility to the clinic! We hope that this will help enhance your experience with us.

July 9th Update: We remain open and again are adhering to all regulatory guidance as best we can. If you have any feedback on how we are doing on this, good or bad, feel free to email me here. I would love to hear how we are doing – particularly if you have some constructive ways we could improve your experience.

We are still booking up each week, owing to spacing appointments out, so please do ensure you book in advance where you can, particularly those of you we haven’t seen for a while.​ As always, just give your clinic a call or flick them an email and we will do what we can to help you all out.

July 2nd Update: Nothing much to see here. We will continue to ease our way back into things without going crazy about the UK’s “Independence Day” on July 4th. Last thing we want is to mess this up and have to start again.

It’s worth noting we are generally booked out one to two weeks in advance so please do call us if you are keen to jump on the table, particularly those of you we haven’t seen for a while.

Some of our front-of-house are back on the desk to say hello, and a couple of the chiros are extending their hours to help accommodate y’all.As always, just give your clinic a call or flick them an email and we will do what we can to help you all out.

June 25th Update: Given BoJo’s announcement this week with a lot of things pointing to July 4th as the day to rise from the ashes like a phoenix, we thought it’s worth letting you know:

  1. We are still open as we have been since the start of April.

  2. Given the model we have used has proven successful in keeping us open to help you all (so far, fingers crossed), we will not be making any major changes to how we have been doing things since then. We will keep you posted here and on social media of any operational tweaks we may make. This means your experience should remain similar and, most importantly, STRESS FREE! (Well, as stress free as possible in the current circumstances.)

So basically, we will carry on helping you all with longer appointment times to ensure we meet our hygiene protocols and have less people in the building. We will continue with a skeleton staff, with a few of our familiar front-of-house staff re-appearing from the iso wilderness to help look after you all and engage in some good physically-distanced chat!

We would also ask again to ensure you arrive at your allotted appointment time, and to be conscious of the fact that the wonderful dream of a Cycle City appears to be dwindling and replaced with a continual gridlock of cars, so please be mindful of this to ensure we can keep things moving smoothly. Do call if you are early or late so we can guide you on what to do before you come in.

Given we don’t believe our care stops with your adjustment, also keep an eye on the phone, as we are making some calls to check in with you all over the next few weeks to say hi and to see how you are, as we have done throughout the Covid cray.

June 11th Update: Before you get flooded by a bunch of other people spamming you about reopening, we are getting in first! (Yes, I am so pleased that train station cafe I gave my email addy to, to steal their WiFi that one time, has emailed me to let me know that they are reopening…)

So, without further ado – WE ARE OPEN (well, technically still open but moving on…). All of our chiros are on the tools, albeit for shorter hours/days/times. Please check out our Insta for how we are open.

On a more serious note, you can find out more about our setup within the clinics here. Please have a read before you visit our clinics.

We have reception staff back in a couple of clinics to direct traffic, and the phones/emails are being manned 7 days a week, so do get in touch if you are in need of advice, a chat or think you need to be seen.

We would please remind everyone to please, please, PLEASE ensure they do not attend any clinic without an appointment. It is completely uncool and we also ask that you turn up at your scheduled appointment time to ensure we can adhere to regulatory and government guidance and, well, not have to close ‘cause that would not be ideal.

May 18th Update: We are open and we have taken the following steps to ensure your safety you can read our full hygiene protocols here.

1. One chiro only in the building

2. Reception unattended unless required to ensure social distancing

3. Risk assessments completed of clinic visit with training and protocols in place to minimise risk

4. Encouraging contactless payments (online store and the increased to £45 contactless card amount)

5. Hygiene protocol - contact surfaces disinfected after each client

6. PPE - gloves, aprons and face masks available as per gov’t guidelines

7. Legal consent and declaration online form. Government legislation states a visit to the chiropractor is considered a legitimate reason to leave the home. So you can feel reassured that if you have a problem we can legally help you. (list of healthcare professionals stated in, schedule 2, part 3, paragraphs 37&38).

May 1st Update: We are available to help. We are in clinic to see anyone who needs help, after completing a phone consultation to assess your needs. Please call us and leave a message or email us outlining what's going on and our practitioner on duty will get back to you.

March 25th Covid-19 Update: We came to the tough decision on Monday night, 23rd March, to close our doors. Thank you all for your support and understanding during these unprecedented times. We have been doing our best at keeping up with the daily changes as laid out by the Government and how this relates to the practice of Chiropractic.

The current advice by our governing body (GCC) suggests we need to weigh the risks of spreading the virus within our community against the benefits to the community in providing that service. Any visits you have in our diary will be moved to the week commencing 13th April, after which, we reserve the right to reschedule them later again if the risks still outweigh the benefits.

If you consider yourself acute or an emergency case please call the clinic to discuss your options. Our phones will be answered remotely and we can arrange a tele-health phone consultation with one of our Chiropractors to discuss your issues, offer advice and help you dealing with any acute pain.

March 24th Covid-19 Update: We are closed for all but urgent or emergency cases. If urgent or you have an emergency please call as we plan on continuing to provide access to remote consultations for emergency cases. Any initial tele-health consultation will have no fee.

Urgent care criteria

- Pain scale rating: 8 or more out of 10

- Inability to sleep (less than 4 hours at night)

- Considered calling 111 or visiting A&E in the last 24hrs

- Trouble coping and affecting mental health

March 23rd Covid-19 Update: We are open, but only to urgent and important cases. Please call us so we can determine the level urgency or arrange for a tele-health phone consultation with one of our chiropractors. We plan on continuing to provide access to remote consultations in an attempt to ease the musculo-skeletal (back pain) burden on the NHS. Any initial tele-health consultation will have no fee.​ We are awaiting further guidance from the GCC and Dept of Health.

March 21st Covid-19 Update: Yep, we’re still here and will remain so for as long as we can safely provide care to our community. Chiropractic adjustments are a low risk experience. As the NHS is overburdened with Covid-19 cases, we feel obligated to do our part to ease their load by helping people with musculo-skeletal (back) complaints. We will continue to remain open to assist until the General Chiropractic Council states otherwise.

March 20th Covid-19 Update: I hope you were reassured by the email we sent on March 17th. We're aware things are changing constantly and we are doing everything we can to remain open and still be there for you and provide a source of relief, information and reassurance at this time. We'll continue to send out email updates to keep you informed of any changes, but if, like us, you're a little tired of receiving these kinds of emails, please give us a follow on Instagram for all our latest news and awesome examples of community spirit. We have taken some extra steps to combat the spread and have put a plan together to cover all possible eventualities.

1. We have already stopped cross-transfer of personnel between clinics. Any team member you see at any clinic is confined to that one location.

2. Hygiene is still paramount and we are doing everything in our powers to enable you to attend our clinic in a clean and disinfected setting.

3. Low risk: the practice of chiropractic with short appointment times, being clothed and thorough disinfecting practice is considered a low risk setting. We ask you to all please arrive punctually at your scheduled appointment time (not earlier or later) to ensure we have less traffic in our waiting rooms to adhere to social distancing measures. Short wait and treatment times decrease risk of transmission.

4. Ibuprofen: If you are symptomatic at home, please consult medical doctors or pharmacists for advice prior to taking ibuprofen as there have been conflicting reports on the effectiveness and risks associated with this.

5. Self-isolating as a precaution: as per the government guidance, we ask that if you do not feel well and have a fever &/or flu-like symptoms that you self isolate for 7 days at home from the onset of your symptoms. All late notice fees have been removed and you can change your appointment times easily. If you need advice, groceries or just a good, old fashioned chat, our offer of help still stands.

6. We will continue to adapt opening hours and have reduced the number of people booked per hour to enhance social distancing. All of our practitioners live locally, so if there are any issues with public transport we should not be affected by this.

7. Essential services: we consider the health care service we provide as essential to the community. We plan on continuing to provide care to all but especially those with severe pain; high levels of stress; increased tension, pain and stiffness from uncomfortable home workstations or those who are unable to seek help for back related problems from their GP or A&E department. We celebrate with those who see their adjustment as a vital part of keeping their body healthy and promoting optimal function.

8. Closure: If we do receive a directive from the Department of Health, the GCC and/or the BCA/UCA to close, we will have to follow their instruction. In this situation, we will look at providing telephone consultations, email advice and will be happy to pick up the phone for a chat, reassurance and bad dad jokes. We will continue to be there to help you as much as we can.

I hope this message is not too doom and gloom. We hope it reassures you we're doing everything we can to continue to look after you, in one way or another. #KeepCalmAndCrackOn Lastly, here's a photo of a dog working from home, because it's what we all really need right now.

17th March 2020 Covid-19 Update: We are open! We are still here for you and will continue to provide a healthy place for you to visit.

Hygiene: We will continue our usual high standards of hygiene and cleanliness. Beds are disinfected between clients and hand sanitisers are available.

Low risk: Our services are provided in a low-risk setting. Appointment times are short, care is administered fully-clothed and with minimal close contact.

Our team: We are monitoring the health and wellbeing of our team daily and keeping symptomatic staff members away.

Immunity: Keeping your immune system strong is important in fighting infection. Check out this blog by Ami-Bree Said filled with advice to help boost your body's immune response, from diet to exercise and of course, getting adjusted!

Symptomatic or self-isolating: Please call us if you need your appointment rescheduled or if you simply want advice from one of our health professionals. Keep us posted so we can aid in your recovery.

The elderly or at risk: If you are one of our elderly or at risk clients, please don't be afraid to call the clinic for advice or simply if you need some help getting your groceries etc.

Health Department: We are closely following Government advice and will provide any updates here if circumstances change.#KeepCalmAndCrackOn ✌🏼