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Mental health and environmental factors

With all of the hysteria, panic buying, negative media and lack of human contact, it can be easy to fall into a state of anxiety, especially if you are someone who is prone to those feelings. Stress decreases the body’s innate ability to fight infection, increasing the likelihood of falling ill, as you are more susceptible to disease. Below are a few tips to help you to avoid being in a state of sympathetic dominance, better known as ‘survival mode’.

  1. It is fine to keep up to date, however, avoid reading article after article, post after post in regards to the current COVID-19 situation. Get your information from reputable sources such as the NHS website, not tabloids that feed on negativity in order to sell stories. YOU are in charge of the information that you consume.

  2. It is ok to say ‘no’, to ask to change the subject, or excuse yourself from the conversation, if talking about it causes a flare in your anxiety or makes you feel uncomfortable.

  3. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply if you begin to feel anxious. In for 5 seconds and out for 7.

  4. Take care of ALL aspects of your health – nutrition, exercise, sleep, hydration – to ensure that you aren’t lowering your immunity by neglecting these areas.

  5. Decrease ‘stressy’ exercise. Instead, aim for gentle movements such as walking, yoga, or swimming in order to calm your system.

  6. Talk with those closest to you. Let them know how you are feeling and don’t be afraid to ask for help or support if you need it. There is no shame in that – it is the bravest thing that you could do.

  7. Be kind to yourself.