Thoughtful Thursday - April 2nd

Hello and welcome to the first edition of Thoughtful Thursday.

Some of you will have found yourself with more time to read and be wondering where to start. Bookbub is a great source of super discounted e-books that is sure to help you find something to immerse yourself in.

Or why not start "that" book. You know the one. The one that you've been putting off reading. The one you think you should read but never quite get around to. Just start it. You'll either end up loving or ditching it after 10 pages. Either way, you'll know and be able to let it go…

Maybe reading isn't your thing – I hear you, that's cool. Perhaps you'd like to go visit Diagon Alley from Harry Potter…Or take a little look at the future at CERN's Large Hadron Collider…Or maybe dip into the past at the Colosseum in Rome…Or is it time to get your culture on and swing by the Louvre?

But maybe, just maybe, you want to leave Earth behind for a while (and who would blame you?). Gotcha covered – why not chill in the International Space Station for a bit? (Thank you, Google Maps!)

Right, so some of us now find ourselves with "more" time and some of us with considerably "less" time (shoutout to those parents working and homeschooling)… either way, it's common to not get as much done as we'd have hoped to in any given day. And while I find myself firmly in the former category, I've found the following particularly useful – and it takes less than five minutes.

Each night (or end of the productive part of my day), I open a notebook to two blank pages.

On the left page I write:

  • Three things I'm grateful for

  • Two things I learnt

  • One action that I'd like to carry forward or be mindful of

On the right page I make a ‘To Do’ list for the next day. I circle the three most important (as opposed to ‘urgent’ - but they could be both) and rank them 1, 2, 3.

These become my priorities for the next day. Basically, if I only manage to nail these three things, it's still been a "productive" day.

Clearly there are many variations to this, and everyone has their own way of journaling and planning, but this has helped me maintain some sense of reflection, gratitude, planning and purpose recently. Let me know what you think.

Finally, here's a quote that I've found myself pondering each morning for the past week or so:

“Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life, so you bought some sweatpants.”

Karl Lagerfeld

Granted most of us can now get away with sporting this attire on a daily basis, but I'm not sure it means we should…?

Let me know how this lands for you, either on Insta or hit me up on email.

Big love guys,

Luke X


Mindful Monday - April 6th


Mindful Monday - March 30th