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Mindful Monday - May 25th

A reminder our clinics are still open, so please contact us if you’re in need of help.

Hello, good morning, salutations, g'day mate…It's Monday, again!? Is it just me or are these are rolling 'round pretty quickly!?

I'm kicking things off this morning with Zach Bush, MD, who really sums up what I've been thinking about a lot recently.

"As a human society we need to find a new normal in these coming weeks. When governments say you can go back to your normal activities, do not go back to your former normal. Act much differently. See the beauty everywhere, engage with the beauty, most of all in your fellow humanity and the nature we were created within, and let’s love each other in the experience of each other’s beauty, to realise a much different future."

- Zach Bush

Yeah. I think he puts into words – quite beautifully – what lots of us have been thinking recently. If you'd like to dig a little deeper into the world of healthy soil, healthy food, healthy gut, healthy microbiome and healthy people, check out his website and many podcast appearances.

And now for some stuff to help you make the most of this most precious and beautiful day…


I've had this track from Shintaro Sakamoto completely stuck in my head for a week now and still love it… Think Japanese funk.


Fancy lunch with Angelina Jolie? How about Roger Federer or Greta Thunberg? Chances are it may prove a tad difficult to schedule these fanciful dates in the near future but, fear not, The FT has enjoyed lunches with these people of influence and many more, asked the big questions and shared the odd bottle.Find them online or in print here.


Kettlebells. I have a confession to make. A couple of months ago when my gym closed down, I had every intention of exercising at home. I googled so many homework out solutions (a few of which I shared) that my Instagram feed became an endless stream of bodyweight exercises that guaranteed I'd end up looking like Brad Pitt in Fight Club.

Eventually I settled on a 16kg kettlebell that I swore I'd use every day. I didn't. Sure, I've run pretty much daily and I've knocked out lots of push-ups and sit-ups, but the closest I've come to doing a kettlebell workout is moving it out of the living room, carrying it upstairs and hiding it in Juli's office. Crap.

Anyway, this week I guilted myself sufficiently into a simple workout with it.Just 10 swings - 10 push-ups - 10 times. It's already evolved to: 20 swings - 20 push-ups - 5 times. I can feel it doing good and I'm barely scratching the surface of the MANY different exercises you can do with these amazingly simple pieces of kit.

Here's a workout that I'm considering building up to. Local model and heartthrob Carl van Heerden also uses them regularly in his Insta live workout sessions – great fun. You can buy your own kettlebell here.


Michelin-starred meals all the way, thanks to these super tasty and relatively easy recipes put out there by Ornellaia’s Giuseppe D’Errico. I'm totally into the Pea & Mint soup.

That's me for another Monday. Be mindful. Be kind. Stay special.

Luke X