Thoughtful Thursday - August 13th

Hope you are all not too melty! As I write this the wind has picked up and am hoping the rain is not too far away. Another week gone and a bunch of great stuff for you, care of Sammy from Fulham with some great wellbeing tips, and a question from a reader that we get asked quite a bit. But first…

Clinic Updates

Creepin’ up on the bank holiday (are they still a thing?! Surely we get credited this year’s ones for future use?).

Little reminder that we would ask you to please wear a mask while you are in the building (it can be removed during treatment).

  • We are very pleased to confirm Massage is DEFINITELY back next week at The Berkeley Clinic (Marylebone). Tom is back running the clinic so give us a call or email us for deets.

  • Ami-Bree from Putney is coming in on Saturday, August 22nd but is then off on vacay. She returns on Monday, September 7th. Grant will be covering some extra time, or we can sneak you in at Fulham with Sammy.

  • Sammy from Fulham is covering this Saturday, August 15th as an extra. So if you would like to see her on a weekend, give us a shout. She will be away from August 29th and back on Monday, September 7th.

  • Bryan from Putney is working Tuesday, August 18th then takes off for a break. Back on Tuesday, September 1st. Michael from Tooting will be doing a Putney cameo! And Craig and George will be in a bit more to look after you all, too.

  • Paul from Kew is off from Friday, August 28th and back on Monday, September 7th.

  • Bank Holiday, August 31st – each clinic will be open, we are just finetuning the deets. Contact your preferred clinic for more info.

Podcast(s) of the Week

Our Co-Founders Craig and Luke B are having another live chat on Instagram tomorrow at 12:30pm, so if you’re able to tune into that, please don’t hesitate to throw some questions at them! Otherwise we’ll have it available as a podcast soon after.

You can also listen to all our previous episodes on our website here and on other platforms such as SpotifyApple and Google, too.

Shameless Plug(s) of the Week by Sammy Kale DC

Happy Thursday wonderful people! For Thoughtful Thursday, I’ve decided to share my favourite ways to nourish your mind, body and soul. However, Drew thought it might be best if we turned it into a three-part series. So this week is dedicated to the ‘mind’ and, in particular, how other parts of the body can have an impact on its wellbeing. I hope you enjoy.


Did you know there is an undeniably strong link between your gut health and your mood? The gut-brain axis, discussed in this piece by the American Psychological Association, describes the production of neurotransmitters known to make more than 80% of our serotonin (happy hormone) as taking place in our digestive tract.

On the subject of gut health, one of my favourite reads at the moment is this book – Gut: the inside story of our body’s most under-rated organ. Author Giulia Enders even manages to make a science-y book delightfully digestible (pardon the pun!).

For the females, another physiological factor determining how the mind functions on a daily basis is hormonal fluctuations. Maisie Hill’s excellent book Period Power is a fantastic resource for women (and men!) to read on this topicFor a little content taste-tester, have a listen to this great Deliciously Ella Podcast episode featuring Maisie, too.

There is no denying that mindfulness and meditation help to nourish the mind. It doesn't have to be complicated – just consistent. There are a whole host of mindfulness apps for at-home mind nourishment but these are my favourites: Smiling MindCalmHeadspace.

Stay tuned for next week’s shameless plugs when we’ll look at ways to nourish your body.

Ask the Team

Sammy Kale DC also answers your question…

What are the advantages and risks of chiropractic practice in neonates?

Chiropractic adjustments can be hugely advantageous to neonates. The birthing process can provide various stressors to an infant's system, including but not limited to various physical and chemical interventions, labour complications, malpositioning or distress.

Chiropractic uses specific assessment protocols to assess the spine and nervous system of a neonate and, if required, gentle corrections are made (with no more pressure than you could comfortably apply to your own eyeball). Risks associated with paediatric adjusting are incredibly low due to the gentle nature of these adjustments.

As for benefits, parents will often report improvements in sleep, feeding, digestion and motor development once their child is under the care of a chiropractor.

It is a privilege to work with infants and their families, and optimising a child's development is incredibly rewarding for all concerned. If you have any specific questions, send us an email and I’ll be happy to help.

A BIG THANK YOU to Laura for last week’s edition. She was a little nervous so thank you to those of you who reached out with some support. I thought it was fab and the oils she sells smell awesome.

Given Sammy likes to be the winner, she has actually given us waaayyyy too much content for one week, so she will hijack this again for next week or maybe two!

As always, anything you would like us to cover or any feedback, we would love to hear from you. Have enjoyed hearing from you all, both good and bad, so do not be shy. As Michael from Tooting so aptly put it – our care for you doesn't end at the table.




Mindful Monday - August 17th


Preconception health: folate/folic acid