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Mindful Monday - August 17th

Good morning, good morning, good morning!

It's so nice of you to take the time to read our little emails, it's greatly appreciated and never taken for granted. Thank you.

I have a bunch of fun randoms for you today, starting with a quiz. Yep, a quiz!


Each of the following clues refers to a word that begins with the word ‘ten’. Can you guess all 10 of them?

1. Inclination

2. Delicate or gentle

3. A sinew

4. A racket game

5. Capable of being stretched

6. Between the bass and alto

7. Stretched tight

8. Unsubstantial

9. A dwelling

10. An opinion held to be true

Answers at the end of the email...

We're tackling the big questions here today and there's none bigger than this: What's the perfect temperature for coffee and how long do you have to wait to achieve it?

Short answer: 54°C and it takes two minutes to get there. But perhaps, just as importantly, you then have less than 10 minutes to enjoy it before it gets too cold. Pffft, like it'd last that long anyway!? Watch this to geek out on the maths of coffee temp.

Do you ever wake up at night and struggle to get back to sleep?

Yeah, that sucks. So here are six tips on how to drift back to a peaceful night's slumber.

Love bikes?

Me too (but you all probably knew that).In lockdown it was tricky for some of us to get out for a two-wheeled adventure. This bike advert is truly brilliant and summed it up perfectly. (I think non-bike lovers will get a kick out of this too!)This is the last bike bit, I promise...

Want a helmet from the future?

Yeah, you do. Check out this amazing 3D-printed helmet based on super strong shapes found in nature that keeps your noggin safe 'n’ sound (and looking like an extra in Avatar!?).

Infrared saunas.

Gyms are slowly reopening but perhaps you'd prefer to take your infrared sauna at home – I know I do. But weirdly I don't have the space to construct a typical sauna kind of setup (I suspect many of you are in the same boat). Thankfully, you can now tuck yourself into an Infrared Sauna Blanket (about time…) and enjoy all the benefits from the comfort of your own bed. Or floor. Or balcony. Or...Wondering why Infrared saunas are cool? Find out more about their potential benefits here.

Finally, remember:

"Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become."

James Clear

Nice one Jim, quite right.



P.S. Still racking your brains? Here are the answers for the ‘ten’ quiz. How did you do? 1. Tendency 2. Tender3 . Tendon 4. Tennis 5. Tensile 6. Tenor 7. Tense 8. Tenuous 9. Tenement or Tent 10. Tenet (also Christopher Nolan’s new film)