Thoughtful Thursday - August 27th

Happy Thoughtful Thursday and welcome back to The Sammy Takeover - Part 3!

Clinic Updates

Big thanks to everyone for helping us out by following all government advice regarding masks and handwashing in clinic to ensure everyone feels comfortable and we can continue to be available to help you all. We really appreciate it!

Bank holiday: all clinics are open for at least the morning at this stage. Give us a buzz if you would like to get in.

  • Ami-Bree from Putney is back on Monday.

  • Craig is also floating about again, too (we can't promise for how long!).

  • Bryan from Putney is still off but back on Tuesday, September 1st.

  • Sammy from Fulham is in for the rest of the week and then off until Monday, September 7th. Mike will be in to help.

  • George from Putney is in today Thursday, August 27th and then off for the weekend. Grant is covering Saturday if you need your fix.

  • Paul from Kew is off from Friday, August 28th and back on Monday, September 7th. If you are in Cornwall, we may be able to help you out!

Podcast(s) of the Week

Craig’s popped his podcast hat back on and has been pretty busy this week. First he interviewed Sam Wang, Co-Founder of Chicago-based chiropractic chain Chiro One, then he followed up with an old Putney favourite, Michael Bloom of Happy Chiropractic, who gives a very honest account of life as a chiropractor back in Melbourne, especially during their stage 4 Covid restrictions.

You can listen to both podcasts on our website here, and also on other platforms such as SpotifyApple and Google.

Shameless Plug(s) of the Week by Sammy Kale DC

Hi everyone, this is my last week of the takeover and, after looking at ways to nourish your mind and body, it’s time to look at ways to nourish your…


I recently ventured out on a Sunday arvo float down Paddington canal with GoBoat. The experience was a lovely chance to wind down from another (crazy but fantastic) week, with a little Sunday afternoon reflection. I found this to be a wonderful and relaxing way to indulge and nourish the soul and start the week strong and clear-minded.

Not only are pets wonderful for the soul, but they also have a more profound effect on your mind and body than you may realise. Researchers found stroking and speaking to dogs increased the subjects’ levels of oxytocin (the “cuddle” hormone), beta endorphins (responsible for “runners high”), dopamine (the “reward” hormone) and serotonin (the “happy” chemical). If you’re unable to have permanent pets, you can always get your canine fix via Borrow My Doggy, which does exactly as the name suggests!

I was debating in which category – mind, body or soul – to recommend getting an adjustment, and you might be surprised to find it’s landed in 'soul'. There are what seems to be infinite benefits for the body, and a calming activation of the parasympathetic nervous system for the mind, however I think my favourite 'side effect' of an adjustment is the confidence it gives. Just knowing there is someone (or in my case a whole team) that has my back (literally!), certainly nourishes my soul, and I hope it does yours, too.

Thanks for tuning in for the last few weeks to read my shameless plugs. If you have any feedback, please feel free to reply to this newsletter and share your thoughts.

Ask the Team

Sammy Kale DC answers your question…

What's the best part about being a chiropractor?

Being a chiropractor is a very rewarding job – people often come in feeling frustrated and deflated after days, weeks or even months of being in pain, and it is great to be able to offer an effective, natural approach to getting them out of pain and back to living life properly. I love that each day of work is so different, as well as the constant learning that is required to keep up-to-date with evidence and research around the management of different conditions.

That is the grand finale for the Sammy ultimate takeover. Thank you for taking the time to discuss a nice range of topics.

I believe we have teed up the Dazzler, aka Daryll Lampen from Marylebone, our resident massage therapist/assistant/PT/functional mobility/calisthenics coach and future chiropractor to take over the next couple of weeks with his shameless plugs of massage therapy and functional movement, which is pretty cool stuff. Might even have a chat with Craig!

I am also hoping to nab a world-famous Putney acupuncturist for a podcast with Craig and a shameless plug later in the month due to a special request (if you know, you know).

I hope you all have a rad and relaxing bank holiday! Think we have all earned a bit of down time.

Have a good one,


P.S. If you are looking for a read this weekend, a client reminded me of this, which I was recommended last year. I found it to be a pretty inspiring perspective on life (but not a light, fluffy read).


Mindful Monday - August 31st


Mindful Monday - August 24th