Mindful Monday - October 5th

Hello and good morning!

Today's email is a reminder of some of the cheap and easy things we can do to support and build health. You've heard me mention them before, but they're so important and a little reminder doesn't hurt.

(Next week will focus on some of the more extravagant gadgets that profess to enhance our health and fitness!)


The Ice Man, Wim Hoff, is probably the most well-known proponent of the power of cold. Setting world records for this ability to withstand icy temperatures, he also aims to educate and empower people to tap into their body's inner strength and immune system.

Free mini classes can be found here. The science behind the power of cold is here. Highlights of his many media appearances are here.

Cold showers are cheap, easy and invigorating. Why not start by ending your hot shower with a 20-second blast of cold water. Let me know how you get on!

The Food Rules

Vegan, plant-based, paleo, keto, raw, fasting, intermittent fasting... Gee, how did eating become so complicated and opinionated!? Generally speaking, the common themes that run through all these can be broken down into the following:

Eat real food. Avoid processed food (food with numbers and words you can't pronounce listed in their ingredients).

Not too much. Eating less is consistently linked to increasing life expectancy and reducing disease.

Eat more plants. Plants are generally nutrient-rich with vitamins, minerals, fibre and other good stuff that our bodies use to be awesome.


This is the best exercise. Nope, this is definitely the best one. Nah... try this! Hmmm... how about this? Ok, this is too hard. I guess exercise isn't for me. Sound familiar? It's very easy to get overwhelmed with too much advice, getting sucked in to "needing" all the right stuff before starting (see next week’s email, lol), waiting for the weather to improve or just waiting till you have "the energy" to start. Simply put, the best exercise is the exercise that actually happens. Pick an activity that interests you or perhaps one that you know is pretty easy and won't require too much mental anguish.

Try setting yourself a super easy goal of 5 minutes a day, twice a week, to get the (proverbial) ball rolling and build from there. It could be as simple as your favourite yoga pose, a handful of push-ups and sit-ups or a walk around the block. Whatever you choose, have the stuff you may need ready at hand so it's EASY to do. Set yourself up to do it, not to find an excuse not to.

Now's a great time to start building an exercise habit – before the days get shorter, darker and colder...


You're mainly water. I'm sure you've heard it before, but it always sounds a bit weird, right?

Therefore, it just makes sense that you regularly top yourself up with water and keep your system flushed. There are so many health benefits to this, and it doesn't have to cost much at all.


Sleep more. Yeah, I know Facebook, Netflix and the like are designed to keep us up at night but just turn them off and go to bed an hour earlier. I promise all that online stuff will be waiting for you in the morning.


Take 3 deep, slow breaths a few times a day. Slow down. Close your eyes. Feel your lungs, chest and body gently expand and relax. The world will wait for you. Like I said, I know you know these things, but it's really easy to get plugged into daily life and forget to do them regularly. So consider this your gentle loving reminder. :)

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.”

Michel de Montaigne

Cheers Mike, so true...

That's us for another MM. Have a wonderful week and stay special.

Big love,

Luke X


Thoughtful Thursday - October 8th


Thoughtful Thursday - October 1st