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Mindful Monday - October 19th

Hello and good morning!

This week's notes are hopefully going to put a smile on your face. :)

Let's start with some wise words:

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

Nice one, Mahatma.

"Not stoked" mug

This pretty much sums up my general feelings about the current state of play in the world. (Also reminds me of home....) And if 14oz of coffee is too much, here’s the espresso version.

Wind Powered Sailboat Cargo Ships

This is super cool! A staggering amount of fossil fuel is still used to power countless cargo ships transporting stuff all over the world. This futuristic, environmentally savvy cargo sailboat may just change all that. Thank you, OceanBird.

Can't Hurt Me

Ok, this may not necessarily make you smile, but it will definitely kick you into gear. David Goggins' audiobook Can’t Hurt Me is his story of crazy childhood hardships and choosing not to be defined by them. He explains clearly how to develop a mindset that will move you in the direction you want to go. I can't recommend this one highly enough.

What's more awesome than Earth?

Super Earth. Yep, boffins have discovered not one... not two... not even three... but 24 possible "superhabitable" worlds out there. Sure, it may take a while to get there but it's kind of nice to know we may have options.


Speaking of space, Tesla's dude in a car recently passed Mars. Starman drifted past – and probably gave a knowing nod – as his journey clocked over 1.3 billion miles. That's A LOT of miles.

Earthshot Prize

A little closer to home (Earth), a local *Prince has spearheaded a £5 million international competition to inspire research into solutions for our current climate mess. Solutions for Restoring & Protecting Nature; Clean Air; Reviving Oceans; Building a Waste-Free World and Fixing the Climate are all on the proverbial table. Nice one, Will.

*Prince William, that is.

And finally...

Connect your speakers or put on your headphones and click HERE for a truly wonderful live performance by Michael Jackson of Billie Jean. Rock on, guys.

Big love,

Luke X