Thoughtful Thursday - December 3rd

Welcome to another Thoughtful Thursday and your Evolv(e)ing updates! First some clinic news, then the fun stuff…

Clinic updates

ABSOLUTELY NONE! Which has been nice. Thank you to all of you who have supported not just us, but all the other local independent businesses during TWO-POINT-O. Have really appreciated your help!

Anyone doing it tough out there, please do not be shy on getting in touch. If we can help, we certainly will.

Team updates

Business as usual and Andrea and I are just finalising the clinic Christmas schedules. At this stage:

Putney will only be closed on December 25th, 26th, and January 1st.

Tooting will only be closed December 25th, 26th, 31st and January 1st.

Fulham will be closed on December 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 31st and January 1st.

Kew will be closed on December 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 31st, and January 1st and 2nd.

Marylebone will be closed on December 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st and January 1st.

We may be running a limited service so our practitioners can have a bit of a well-earned break, given most of them haven’t had any downtime this year. Your normal practitioner may not be in, but we will have someone available to look after you. You will be in very good – just different – hands. We will also gladly accommodate you at a different site if your regular clinic is closed on a day you would like to come in.

The front desk team will be available every day except the 25th, 26th and January 1st.

All clinics will be business as usual from Monday, January 4th provided there are no dramatic curveballs.

Podcast(s) of the Week

This week’s podcast focus was mental health, as Craig spoke to long-time client and friend of Chiro.London Shula Wolfenden, who drastically changed career path to become an integrative psychotherapist after losing a loved one to mental health issues. In this honest and surprisingly easy to listen to episode, Shula discusses how emotional problems can manifest as physical symptoms, some techniques to help reprogramme negative thought patterns and the influence of social media on our mental wellbeing. It’s an important listen for everyone.

Speaking of Shula, our next live chat will be with her other business interest – Profeet – who specialises in fitting footwear for running, skiing, walking, tennis and pretty much all outdoor activities. Keep an eye out on our Instagram for the date and time for that one.

Last week’s friendly chat with Ashton Turner, Co-Founder of Evolve 353, is also now live as a podcast, so if you’d like to hear about Ashton’s experiences in the fitness industry, how he’s benefited from chiro care and his thoughts on social media influencers, tune in via our website, or on Spotify, Apple and Google.

Ashton is also kindly taking over this week’s “Shameless Plugs” with a lovely, feelgood suggestion for helping the community, so over to you, Ash!

Shameless Plug(s) of the Week by Ashton Turner, Evolve 353

Happy Christmas everyone – I suppose it is ok to start saying this now December is finally here!?

Well, what a year is has been for us all. There have been plenty of ups and downs but Dave (Evolve’s other co-founder) and I try and take the positives from all situations, and if this year has shown us one thing it is that we are lucky to have such a fantastic local community around us.

And this leads me onto a shameless plea. This year, we have decided that all we want for Christmas is to help others who are less fortunate than us. We are teaming up with the charity Little Village, who are like a food bank but for clothes, toys, and equipment for babies and children up to the age of 5, across London. This year, more than ever, families are in need of help and Little Village are aiming to make Christmas a little more special for 1,000 children.So, how can you help?

Well, it’s simple: all you have to do is donate £30 (or more, don’t let us stop you on that front), on our JustGiving page here and you will automatically be entered into a prize draw to win a 6 month membership at Evolve for you and a friend worth £2,628. It really is that simple to make a huge difference to so many children at Christmas.

Thankfully by the time you are reading this we will be back open, and boy, is that a good feeling! If you listened to the podcast I was kindly asked to do with Craig (sorry I do like to talk!!), you will know how passionate Dave and I are about Evolve and how much we love our community. So, if you haven’t been to see us yet, please do take a look at what we offer and come say hi, we always love to welcome new faces into our home!

Ask the Team

Filippo Varetta DC answers your question…

Could my joint pain be age-related?

Once a client in the past said something very interesting to me that I think could be relatable to a lot of other people who experience joint pain.

He spoke to me about his painful left knee, and the fact he had been told previously that it was “age-related”. This theory frustrated him, mostly because he was very aware both of his knees were in fact the same age, like his other joints, all of which were performing well.

Usually when a client asks me this question, I revert back to what that client told me years ago – it makes more sense than any other explanation!

That’s it for another week. Thanks to Ash for that great suggestion to support those in need this Christmas. The Evolve membership prize would be a great way to start the New Year, too!

Enjoy your new-found Tier 2 freedom but remember to stay safe and be considerate to those who may need a little more time to readjust to life after lockdown.




Mindful Monday - December 7th


Mindful Monday - November 30th