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Mindful Monday - January 11th

Good morning all...

We're well underway with 2021 and the world pretty much looks as bizarre and crazy as it did last year. A vast array of polarising issues continues to swamp our media – and minds – which can leave us feeling reactive, defensive and perhaps not as in control as we'd like to feel. With so many voices shouting, it's easy to get lost in the crowd of noise. But...We're more alike than different.

Sure, we don't all agree on everything, but I remain convinced that we share more in common than we oppose in one another. Our common values that help bind our community together remain steadfast. We all want our children, family and friends to be happy, healthy, have a great education, feel safe and secure, and be able to express their full potential.

We all want this pandemic to pass as quickly as possible, despite the differing opinions of how best to go about facilitating such a success. Given the magnitude of this task, it's incredibly unlikely that any plan will please everyone, but it will pass – eventually.

So let this be a little reminder that everyone is doing their best. Sure, our best efforts will naturally fluctuate as we all deal with our own special challenges on top of the collective struggle, but if we remain mindful and respectful perhaps this will pass just a little bit smoother…

And on that note, may I suggest clicking here for some Positive.News. Highlights this week include scientists suggesting the climate could stabilise, more people are eating plants this January, and Norway is another step closer to all cars being electric... this is all good news for the environment!

Winter training

Need a little motivation in this cold weather? I thought this collection of training montages was particularly fantastic. Thank you inForm for the compilation. Rocky, Batman, Kill Bill and The Incredibles – brilliant! (Ed’s note: personally would have gone for The Dark Knight Rises over Batman Begins, though we do not endorse fixing a protruding vertebra yourself! 😲)

New music (to train to?)

BBC have put together this list of up and coming artists to look out for in 2021. Holly Humberstone is definitely worth a listen.


Apparently humans used to be able to hibernate! Sleeping through the next few months does sound rather tempting... Why did we lose this particular skill?

Food worth staying awake for

The Guardian has put together this little collection of vegan cake recipes that is sure to tempt even the non-vegans out there. I *built the carrot cake to critical acclaim!

*Can you pick the movie reference? Answer here.

Have a great week. Keep it simple, smile and be kind to yourself and others.

Big love,

Luke X