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Chiropractic care = greater muscle strength, muscle function and less fatigue

You might be wondering how chiropractic care can help improve your muscle strength and function, help you recover from injury quicker, or even reduce your fatigue. In order to understand these incredible benefits to chiropractic care, we first need to understand what chiropractic is, and why you should consider chiropractic care for you and your family.

A chiropractor is a healthcare professional who specialises in the health and function of the spine and nervous system. A result of this focus is that most people think chiropractors can only help with neck pain, headaches or back pain. While chiropractic is extremely effective at helping people who are suffering or in pain, there is so much more that chiropractic can offer.

Chiropractic care is really about helping people feel great and function to the best of their ability, by supporting the body's own ability to heal, recover and perform. Chiropractic care is about total health and helping people to get the most out of life.

The spine, which provides us with our structure and frame for support, has another very important function: housing and protecting a large proportion of the nervous system. Our nervous system runs the show. It is the master control - the operating software - in charge of every cell, tissue and organ in our body.

With some 45 miles of nerve tissue running through our body, the nervous system relays information between the body and our brain along the spinal cord. This information highway carries these messages back and forth as electrical impulses at speeds over 250 miles an hour!

Our spine is made up of 33 bones (vertebrae) and the joints that connect them, with a disc in between each vertebra, which acts as a spacer and shock absorber.

As a result of either a macro-trauma (accident, slip, fall, sports injury) or from a build-up of micro-traumas over time (poor posture, slouching), the spine can become stiff and restricted. When this happens the normal function of the spine is decreased, resulting in a disruption to how well the nervous system can perform.

Through specific gentle adjustments to the spine, chiropractors help restore proper spinal movement thus reducing stress on the nervous system and optimising how it performs.

“What we can say based on this study is that when we adjust subluxations, we improve strength, we prevent fatigue and we change the way the brain drives our muscles.”

- Heidi Haavik, leading neurophysiologist

In the aforementioned study, Dr Haavik and her research team found that when a chiropractor adjusts a disrupted segment of the spine, the way the brain processes what’s going on in our bodies changes. Hence we are able to better process all that sensory information from throughout the body, and control the body in a better way.

The combination of increased strength and reduced fatigue benefits anyone engaging in activity and exercise. Whether you’re a weekend warrior, spin enthusiast or elite athlete, you rely on the energy, agility, strength and coordination of your muscle systems. Chiropractic adjustments support the central nervous system, which directs each of these activities. It’s no surprise that regular chiropractic adjustments can assist athletes of all levels in improving their performance, reducing their fatigue and enhancing their recovery.

Chiropractic care benefits the entire family.

Chiropractic is for everybody. Incorporating chiropractic care can help you and your family reap the rewards of increased muscle responsiveness and reduced fatigue.

The compelling outcomes from the above research and many more studies like it back-up what we at Chiro.London and our clients believe: people function better with chiropractic care.

If you would like to learn more about how chiropractic can enhance your performance and function - and that of your family, too - you can book an appointment by contacting one of the members of our friendly staff here.