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Mindful Monday - April 5th

Welcome to a special edition of Mindful Monday!

Luke has requested the week off to recharge and refocus, which has been a pretty popular choice this week. Although, I suspect it might be to recover from the sugar coma after inhaling Easter eggs all weekend… So (unfortunately) you have me twice this week – let’s get into it.

Remember when TV shows would take a mid-season break and they’d screen a filler episode comprised of a bunch of 'best of' clips merged together? Well, that’s what we’re doing today, with a refresher of the best bits of the highest-rated Mindful Mondays that still hold up and are worth a second look. So grab another hot cross bun, pour yourself a coffee and sit back and relax with your best reads of the past 12 months. Enjoy!

Health and wellbeing
Our physical and emotional health was tested in ways we never expected over the last year. Stress is something that affected all of us in different ways, shapes and forms, so it’s no surprise our most-read issues focused on this subject. We also donned our nerd hats to demystify the very thing that's turned our lives upside down.

June 15th, 2020 – A quick guide to stress
Guest editor Ami-Bree broke it down for us with an overview of physical, chemical and emotional stress, how they affect our body, and the easy things we can do to limit these stressors. Check it out here.

November 2nd, 2020 – How to combat underlying stress
After noticing many of her clients suffering from the effects of underlying stress, Ami-Bree again took over as guest editor to explain just how underlying stress can affect our health and wellbeing. Ami also offers her tried-and-tested ways to combat it. You can read the issue here.

May 18th, 2020 – What is a virus?
After several weeks into our first lockdown, Craig took over as guest editor to discuss the science behind a virus, including what makes it tick, how it evolves, what it does to our body and what we can do to make ourselves more resistant to it. Read it here.

Keep it moving
Many of us went through a fitness phase at one or more points last year (kudos to you if your phase became a permanent addition to your lockdown life!). We featured a ton of exercise tips and tricks throughout our newsletters, but these were the ones that really resonated.

January 25th, 2021 - 11 minutes to fitness
Starting a new fitness regime in January is one thing, keeping it going into February is quite another. The initial excitement and enthusiasm often wanes and life's other responsibilities can squeeze out even our best of intentions. But fear not, this 11 minute exercise routine has been proven to improve fitness, requires no equipment, and the benefits realised from only three sessions a week.

June 1st, 2020 – Use, abuse, then recycle
Old running shoes. I've managed to build up quite the collection over the years and most have reached the end of their natural lives. Sure, they still kinda work to slob around in, but they really are past their best. Thankfully, Nike now have a recycle shoe programme! They'll accept any brand and will grind them up and use them for making brand new fancy kicks. Brill!

Best ways to pass the time
For most of us, the last 12 months have provided more downtime than we ever thought possible. While reading and listening featured highly on our list of ‘how best to pass the time’, last year’s homebaking trend make a play for the top spot, along with a lot of napping!

April 13th, 2020 – The best read
If you've not already read the beautiful piece The Tail End, by one of my favourite writers in Tim Urban of Wait But Why, I strongly urge you to do it now. In fact, if you only take one thing from this email, please make it this.

March 8th, 2021 – The best listen
The past week also saw the release of a new podcast series by none other than President Obama and Bruce Springsteen! No doubt they've been inspired by the trailblazing success story that is Doc Craig's Chiro.London series. Together they explore origin stories, race and music. Find Renegade: Born in the USA here on Spotify.

December 7th, 2020 – The best bake (and no, it’s not banana bread!)
Remember the sourdough phase of lockdown 1.0? (It was just after the Tiger King phase.) Well for those of you who are still interested in baking, here's a lovely Carrot & Cashew Nut Loaf recipe from the folk over at Form Nutrition that doesn’t require you to have mastered the sourdough phase. Oh I do love those baking smells, too!

May 4th, 2020 – The best way to nap
With sleep-ins not limited to weekends anymore, now is the time to invest in quality bedding. This might well be the definitive guide to pillows – you’re welcome. But please remember to keep your spine in a nice, neutral posture… zzzz…

The weird and the wonderful
Fascinating facts, terrific tales and hilarious hijinks will always have a place in Mindful Monday emails, and these were the snippets that made you smile the most during a year when we really needed them. 😊

Weetabix and, errrr... beans?!
Weetabix nearly broke Twitter when it suggested their namesake cereal might pair well with baked beans. Read here for the brilliant comments that ensued – the NHS response is definitely my favourite.

Friends for life
Check out this heart-warming video of a reunion between a beautiful calf and the girl who raised her.

Advanced style
This super chic elderly couple started modelling the unclaimed clothes from their laundromat business and became fashion influencers for a new generation. I wanna be that cool!

Holding on for dear life
And to finish on a funny note, watch this pigeon try to hitch a free ride on a plane by doing his best impersonation of Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible.

Enjoy your Bank Holiday and see you all on Thursday!