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Mindful Monday - February 21st

Hello and happy Monday!

“I’m ready to attempt the unknown through faith by believing in myself.”
- Eliud Kipchoge, weeks before running the first (unofficial) sub-two-hour marathon.

Limits. Some are placed on us by others. Most come from within.

Where in your life do you feel limited?
Where have you wanted to grow, but think you’ve fallen short?
What is the voice inside your head saying when you try to grow?
Is your internal dialogue supporting you or holding you back?

How we talk to ourselves is a big deal. When I ask people what their internal voice is telling them, they’re often embarrassed to say it’s not supportive and often downright negative.

This matters.

Cultivating a positive internal dialogue is just like building any good habit – it takes time. Start by writing out a few phrases you’d like to hear in your head, perhaps comments you would make to a friend.

I’m good enough.
I can do it.
I deserve more.

Close your eyes and hear these words in your head.
Make this a routine while you’re brushing your teeth and waiting for the kettle to boil.

Mmmm, coffee.

Mind control
Johann Hari’s new book Stolen Focus is the wonderful new exposé on how our minds (and lives) are being directed by social media. Johann lifts the curtain on how big tech companies are using our data to influence how we think and live. His interview with Rich Roll is an absolute must, as is The Social Dilemma on Netflix.

Never forget a face
Superhumans are real and have many different superpowers. Meet Yenny Seo; she never forgets a face, literally. Not only does she recognise extras in movies and tv shows, Yenny uses her special skill to help apprehend criminals. Amazing.

Real life cartoons
Ever wondered what Mo or Millhouse from The Simpsons would look like in real life? Yep, me too. How about Pocahontas, or Rapunzel from Tangled? Check out AI’s “real life” versions of cartoon characters, all here.

Thumbs up for time travel
A university student in Queensland has mathematically proven that time travel is ok. Yay. Basically, if you decide to travel back in time to “fix” something, the space-time continuum will self-correct to ensure you don’t screw up the future – I mean, present. Got it?

Be nice to yourself.
You’re worth it.

Big love,