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Mindful Monday - July 19th

Hello, good morning, and welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!

Soooooo there are changes afoot but rest assured that your health and safety remains our numero uno priority. We’re here to look after your spine and nervous system the best way we know how in a hygienic setting while making everyone feel welcome.

Feel free to let me know how we’re doing here.

Right, summer. Awesome. Perhaps it’s the longer days or the thought of a beach holiday but, for whatever the reason, lots of people choose this time of year to start a new healthy habit. If you’re one of these fabulous few – bravo!

I finally caved. Yep, I made it all the way to mid-July 2021 before succumbing to the call of the (sour)dough. A friend gifted me a “starter”, told me it wasn’t really that hard it just takes patience (a red flag if ever there was one) and it’d work out.

Well, after cats walked flour through the kitchen, sticky dough went pretty much everywhere, and many a confused look/teetering on the brink of despair passed on my face, I actually baked a loaf of passable sourdough. I owe this minor success story to DO / SOURDOUGH / Slow bread for busy lives and Le Creuset.

Is this my new healthy habit?

Daily support
Long-time reader of this newsletter (ok, probably not...) Dr Andrew Huberman recently talked through his daily habits to support a healthy nervous system on his podcast. He walks us through food, exercise and other daily routines with super interesting explanations of why and how they work.

We still love his mini Instagram neuro classes, too. Cheers, Andy.

Lost and found
Finding that piece of Lego in amongst the other thousand pieces can be tricky… but no more! With the new app Brickit, finding that elusive brick is as easy as taking a photo of your jumble of Lego pieces and letting their AI do the work, pointing it out to you.

Summer sounds
This week’s artist to help get the summer vibes flowing is Curtis Harding – start with Need Your Love.

(And for those of you who enjoyed Aaron Frazer, this will put a big smile on your face.)

Let’s stay mindful, humble and considerate so we can all enjoy the world opening up.

As always, thank you for reading – I know your time is precious.

Big love,
Luke X