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Mindful Monday - March 21st

Good morning, good morning… as the sun rises on another new week.

“What appears to be luck is often preparation and patience.”

Quite right. There isn’t much that can’t be achieved with hard work, planning, a clear intention and patience. A timely reminder indeed.

Pen and paper ready?

What would you like to get done this week that you’ve been putting off for a while? Spend a few minutes jotting down a plan to get it done and include three reasons why you’ll feel awesome for getting it done. Well done.

Remember: good deeds are all around us. Here are a few.

Airbnb-like platforms helping refugees
In a time of unimaginable hardship for so many people, thankfully there are many online strategies enabling others to help house and care for these people in need. Refugee Buddy Network is a little-known group who’s been at it for a few years, while Host a Sister aims to help women from all walks of life by making new connections. You can read more here.

Also, our friends over at Form Nutrition have put together this list of charities that are working hard to help where they can.

Help from above
Time is everything when someone has a heart attack. Every minute counts in terms of recovery and long-term after-effects. That’s why a Swedish outfit has designed a drone that delivers a defibrillator (with easy-to-use nodes to attach to the patient) which can completely avoid traffic jams and other obstacles ambulances are often impeded by. Read more here.

And… this might help, too…

How to cope with bad news
This is a great little guide to help us cope with the ongoing challenges the world faces while keeping some perspective. Put the kettle on.

Have a great week.
You’re worth it.

Big love,