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Mindful Monday - March 7th

Hello, good morning, happy Monday and welcome to your 100th edition of Mindful Monday!

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”
― Epicurus

Right on.

Nurturing a sense of gratefulness is pretty much always a great idea. The daily 3, 2, 1 approach has been the most consistent journalling habit I’ve kept up. I’m sure it’s been mentioned previously, but here’s a quick recap.

Each evening, write down:
3 things you’re grateful for
2 things you learned or insights you gained
1 action step to carry forward
~ 5 minutes.

Many parents find asking their children “what was your favourite thing today?” a more empowering and open question than simply “how was your day?”.

Following up with, “why was that your favourite thing?” often leads to a more meaningful conversation…

To be fair, this isn’t just for kids, but for anyone you’d like to talk to more deeply. Try it out and let me know how you get on!

Fish, sex and food
Hums, honks and boops from the deep aren’t just fish gibberish. It turns out that these orchestrated noises are in fact fish talking up a big game, and they’ve been doing it for over 150 million years. Research suggests they even have regional accents. Brilliant.

Digital copies of buildings, planes, ports and even cities are nothing new, but now digital copies of human parts are gaining some traction, too. So much so that research funded by the EU is trying to replicate the human brain. This virtual brain would be used to tailor specific treatment to its human counterpart for conditions like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease.

Ethical questions are already circulating, but the potential benefits already have many people excited. What do you think?

And to end on a positive note…

Goodbye plastic
Last week 175 nations came together and agreed upon an historic resolution to abolish the use of plastic. This may well be the most meaningful multinational deal since the Paris accord.

It’s not all bad.

Have a great week.
Be kind.
And we’re truly grateful to you all for reading, thank you.

Big love,