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Mindful Monday - November 22nd

Good morning and welcome to this week’s edition of Mindful Monday!

This week I’m pulling on a few threads from Hiut, Farnam Street (FS) and Postive.News to help get your week off to a great start.

“Things that reduce the odds of long-term success:
A lack of focus.
Making excuses.
Staying up late.
Eating poorly.
Checking email first thing in the AM.
Working more to fix being busy.
Buying things you don't have the money for.
Focusing on yourself.
Letting other people define success for you.
The wrong relationships.
A lack of patience.”
- FS

Ok, so how many of these are you doing/not doing?
How many of these surprise you?
Which ones are you willing and/or able to adapt?
And perhaps just as importantly, why or why not?

This week’s challenge is to pick three of these to “work on” and make some positive steps towards long-term success. Rock on.

Do one thing well
The Welsh team over at Hiut, who punch out some of my favourite jeans also rock a rather strong email/newsletter game. Each year, amongst many other things, they curate a list of companies and their products that are exceptional in their respective fields and share them. From best reads to clothes, inspiring events to travel destinations, you’re sure to find some new favourites. Scroll away here.

Gaming car use reduction
Our eternally optimistic friends over at Positive.News report that academics have come up with a game that encourages people to ditch their car in favour of active travel in Hounslow. Outcomes included less traffic and more active movement (walking/cycling). Participants were rewarded with vouchers for sports equipment, craft materials or books. Read more here.

And finally…

Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance
In this great article FS dissects Simon Ramo’s underrated-but-brilliant book Extraordinary Tennis Ordinary Players, where he makes a strong case that, for the average person, simply avoiding stupidity will often lead to very favourable long-term results. Basically, mastering the basics and avoiding big risks will help avoid “losing” in life while tempering the urge of finding a big, risky “win”. Nice.

Have a fab week, pick a positive change to experiment with, and keep it simple.

Big love,