My spine story: Jess Hambly

Jess is a chiropractor at our Fulham clinic and wanted to take this opportunity to share her story and update everyone on her personal health journey.

A hello to all my wonderful colleagues and clients at our Marvic House practice! I have missed you all greatly over August and I look forward to getting back into the practice and seeing you all as soon as possible. It turns out, chiropractors are human too when it comes to our spines (who knew, right?). 

I have been working on healing a bulged disc in my spine, which has made not just coming to work, but even things like walking almost impossible. 

It's been a big journey in going through the process I have walked hundreds of clients through over the years. I too am getting adjusted regularly, supporting my body nutritionally, and trying to allow myself to rest as much as possible. Resting voluntarily is a hard one for me, I like to go and go and go. But as I so often share with my clients, our body always knows best and often if we don't stop, it will find a way to stop us. I have tried to use this challenging time to learn about how our bodies go about healing. 

It's often never as clear cut as pain or no pain.

Often the pain (as much as we hate it) is there as PART of the healing, either guarding a fragile area, providing inflammation for repair, learning to work in a new way, or sometimes as a habit that we then have to train our body out of once the injury heals. If you have ever seen our Healing Journey poster in our reception area, I am living proof that that's exactly what the process is really like! 

If you have ever been frustrated about your pain levels after being under care for a while, I can reassure you that YES it sucks, but also YES it may mean your body is building strength in a brand new way, and there will be light at the end of that tunnel if you're willing to lean into the knowledge that our bodies are self healing and self regulating when we get them adjusted and allow our nervous systems to work as they are meant to.

One of my biggest lessons is that even when you do everything you can to take care of your body, we don't get a shortcut through the healing process. It takes as long as it takes (I certainly didn't plan on it taking this long for me either!). It will take time. But I would rather get this right so I am stronger for the future than to have this come back to bite me again and maybe even harder in a few years!

I managed to get along to see Taylor Swift the other night (seated ticket of course) and a month ago I couldn't have even imagined that was possible. I am building up my stamina and strength as we speak, and will hopefully be seeing you all again very soon!


Paediatric research and questionnaires


Thoughtful Thursday - August 8th