Winter Sports
We love skiing and winter sports. In fact, we’re mad about them. Our aim is to get you skiing or snowboarding better, do it pain-free and prepare your body to be thrown down a mountain.
Co-Founder Craig McLean DC has been heavily involved in the ski industry since 1999 and he understands the particular demands skiing places on the body - especially the spine. Craig has been chiropractor to Team GB Winter Olympians, is a consultant to the Warren Smith Ski Academy and is a lecturer to the chiropractic profession about ski biomechanics. Our team of chiropractors all understand what is needed to allow you to perform at your best, pain-free, on and off the mountain.
So if you love skiing, snowboarding and winter sports we’d love to speak to you. We’ll help you prepare in the best possible way by getting your brain and body talking to each other in the right way. By improving the way your central nervous system functions, you’ll be maximising your enjoyment and performance when it comes to winter sports.
Ski fitness and biomechanics with Craig McLean
Winter Olympian Chemmy Alcott talks chiropractic
Craig and ski boot specialist Profeet discuss equipment
How can chiropractic help?
If a blockage is found in your lower back, hips or anywhere in your lower extremities, a course of chiropractic adjustments can release tension and allow your body to move without pain or restriction.
We’ve worked with many skiers, from very experienced to total novices, and have found nearly everyone, to some extent, is compromised with their movement and flexibility on the slopes.
If imbalances are found in either the biomechanics or the neurology then a course of treatment is set to attempt to resolve these blockages. Benefits can include improvement in:
Skiing turn preference, which is commonly linked to a restricted hip, lower back or lower limb blockage
Back pain elimination
Knee pain (which is commonly linked to a pelvic imbalance)
Sciatica, or nerve pain into the legs, commonly caused by a back problem
We also work in association with specialised ski boot fitters and ski coaches, so all three areas are covered with regards to correct equipment, coaching and body performance.
Back Exercises
Check out our exercises you can do at home to strengthen your back and body.
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