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Thoughtful Thursday - October 1st

Welcome to this week’s Thoughtful Thursday! Today we’re featuring a lot of Lukes and a lot of ‘p’ words (none of them rude, we promise… maybe).

Clinic Updates

We are still in good shape to look after you all! Thank you to everyone for the positive response to last week’s request to contact the clinic by phone if you are isolating. Everyone is grateful for you being courteous to others by staying at home until you have your results back.

Another thank you for wearing masks in to clinic, too. You may have noticed we’ve set up Sani-stations at the door, with hand sanitiser and some spare masks for those who have forgotten them. Please be kind to us for extending the goodwill by not abusing it (yes, somebody nicked a heap of masks and a hand sanitiser, which we hoped would not happen as we were being nice, but, alas...). QR codes for T&T are available as you enter as well.

Marylebone is flying ahead on a Saturday and Sundays are all systems go at Tooting. If you are struggling to get in during the week hopefully one of these will help you out. Do get in touch!

Luke M is off for a week at the end of October to hang with his kids on holibobs, but the rest of the Marylebone team will be around a bit more to help you out.

Pearl’s mum Kate V is taking a couple of well-earned weeks off from the front desk at Team Tooting soon. We will be leaving Matilda and Megan in charge, with some help from another clinic remotely. Just a heads-up so you don't freak out if some random answers your call!

Podcast(s) of the Week

After a brief interlude, Craig is back with two brilliant episodes for you this week. The first features one of our regular Putney clients, Luke Theophilus, who graduated as a nurse a month before COVID-19 hit. As you can imagine, it’s been a pretty turbulent time for him, and he takes us through what daily life was like in the ICU during the height of the pandemic, and tells us how chiropractic has enhanced his life.

For our second podcast, Craig had a live chat with Dayna Hopwood, whom some of you may remember from her time as a CA at our Putney and Tooting clinics. Inspired by her time as a CA*, Dayna returned to Australia a few years ago to begin her studies as a chiropractic student at Macquarie University in Sydney. (*Ed’s note: Or inspired by Drew apparently, according to him...)You can find both of these episodes on our website here, and also on other platforms such as Spotify, Apple and Google.

Speaking of podcasts, our episode with Luke from Absolute Studios has been so well received that we asked him if he’d be keen to write this week’s shameless plugs, too. So here they are – take it away, Luke!

Shameless Plug(s) of the Week by Luke Meessmann

G'day Chiro.London fam, it’s Luke from Absolute Studios. I’ve got a couple of plugs and a few of requests to share with you this week, which I hope you’ll enjoy and take on board.


I'm writing this the day after seeing David Attenborough: A Life on our Planet. Filmed as Sir David’s ‘witness statement’ and chronicling the changes he has observed in his lifetime due to our impact on the planet, it is an epic rollercoaster of emotional filmmaking. Whilst watching I felt everything from fear, shame and anger, to determination, optimism and hope.It’s an absolute must-see and my requests of you (if I may be so bold) are:1. That you go see it!2. Support your local cinema by seeing it there (favourites include Picturehouse on Fulham Road and Olympic Studios in Barnes).

People + Pilates

This paragraph is a straight up “thank you” to my team and, in particular, my right-hand lady Jemimah Lam. When the going gets tough (as it most certainly has been these past few months) you need people around you that can come together, lift you up and help you carry on. My guys (and especially Jem) have been those people for me, and I have no hesitation in saying that I’m grateful to not only have some of the best pilates instructors in London working with me, but also some of the best people.

Request time:

1. If you know someone who has been ‘that person’ for you – let them know. I reckon we don’t say “thank you” overtly nearly enough, so pick whatever medium feels right for you (written, spoken, song - if the mood takes you) and let ‘em know!

2. If you haven’t already done so, please come and experience a class at the studio (or online) with one of my guys. It won’t cost you a thing and you’ll get to experience a fantastic workout delivered by an awesome person (if you need convincing, just ask one of the Chiro.London team what they think, they’re in the studio and online with us most days of the week!).

So, there you go. Planet, People, Pilates. A few things that are close to my heart and hopefully after reading this – and if you indulge my cheeky little requests – also a little closer to yours.

Ask the Team

Luke Mulvihill DC answers your question…

What is the difference between chiropractic, osteopathy and physiotherapy?

Chiropractic, osteopathy and physiotherapy are all concerned with the improvement of health and function of their clients. In my understanding, all three disciplines differ mostly on fundamental principles rather than the methods of treatment provided.

From what I have discovered, physiotherapy is focused mostly on the diagnosis of symptoms and the rehabilitation of dysfunction, injury or illness in the human body. The modality of therapy includes many different forms of treatment that are applied to the body from the outside to assist it to repair. Treatments range from mechanical devices like ultrasound and cryotherapy to massage and stretches.

Osteopathy also concerns itself with the diagnosis of symptoms, with more of a focus on the whole individual and the causing factors for the symptoms. The osteopath’s mode of therapy is often massage and other soft tissue techniques aimed at improving the flow of blood to the muscles and functional tissues. According to osteopathy, an increase in circulation is the key factor to the healing and repair of the body.

As a chiropractor, my guiding principle is to allow the optimal expression of health and function of the body from the inside out. My aim is to diagnose the areas of dysfunction in the spine and nervous system and address the cause of the individual’s symptoms. Chiropractic deals mainly with nervous system function because our nervous system interprets our world and dictates our reality. A nervous system free from structural and functional interference allows for the optimum expression of life. The method of a chiropractor is to adjust the spine into its correct structural and functioning position using our hands to make the correction.

Much love to Luke, Jem and the Absolute team for a great takeover. Also, a big shout to Luke Theo for his chat on the podcast. I had a great chat with him in clinic last week myself and am pleased it has been expanded on for everyone to hear. Great insight into the vital role the NHS is playing and the sacrifices the NHS teams are making to look after everyone.

Also pleased to see that Dayna is tracking wonderfully for a triumphant return on the other side of the table and the return of more memes for Craig!

All done for another week. Anything else you need, you know where to find us!

Over and out,
